Saturday, February 2, 2013

Crossfit Basics...check!!

This morning was my 4th and final Crossfit Basics class. It varies by box, but many, including Crossfit Revamped require you to attend a series of intro classes so you can familiarize yourself with the terminology and learn the proper form for the various exercises. Each class we would warm up together, learn and practice a few skills, and then do a shortened WOD. This morning they rounded out my education with front squats (squatting while holding a weighted bar on your collarbone essentially), rowing, kettleball swings, and sit-ups and back extensions on the GHD machine. I asked if that stood for something something of death and got a laugh, but no real answer. :P All you really need to know is it's a large contraption meant to make already painful exercises more painful.

So with those 4 classes under my belt, I can move on to playing with the big boys & girls on Monday! I'm pretty much scared shitless, but also excited. I finally feel like I'm at least starting to get the hang of the WOD - balancing pushing myself with keeping proper form - and the last 2 workouts haven't left me in such excruciating pain.

For anyone who's interested, here's today's WOD:

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes of:

5 burpees w/a plate jump
7 front squats
8 kettleball swings (I kind of like these!)
12 sit-ups

I was able to complete 5 cycles. Keep your fingers crossed for me on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I just went and googled the GHD machine. Looks like a fantastic piece of equipment, but probably torturous, lol:

    Bet it produces some good results though!
