Wow, I am seriously behind on my blogging; time to play a little catch up. Let's get the crap out of the way. Today was the first day I felt shitty about my performance at Crossfit. I've had plenty of days where things have been really hard and I've thought I was going to vomit or die or both, but today I felt like my body just wouldn't do what I wanted to. I was fatigued, sore, tight, my back is bothering me - it all added up to a crap workout. :( Which sucks, because I was excited to do this workout when it was posted last night. Oh well, them's the breaks. Nothing to do but get back in there tomorrow and go back to kicking ass!
On a more positive note, on Friday I completed my Foundations class and I went out with a bang. You all know I was really looking forward to repeating Fight Gone Bad to see how I had improved since I did that WOD 6 weeks ago. However, the big accomplishment turned out to be not how many additional reps I did, but the fact that I Rx'ed my first workout! This means I used the prescribed weights and didn't need to scale anything. Here's what I did:
3 rounds of AMRepsAP in 1 min each of:
Wall balls (14#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55#)
Box Jumps (20") (yep, I am back to doing box jumps and my box actually had an extra inch, you know, for the record :P)
Push Press (55#)
Row for Calories
1 min rest before moving on to next round
My total score was 210. Last time my score was 259, but I scaled so I was using a 10# wall ball, 35# for the high pulls and presses, and a 12" box - laughable! (Although to be fair, I scaled the box jumps because I was freshly injured and they were exacerbating it.) In any event, I was pleased I was able to Rx the workout even though I'm already thinking about how I could have changed my strategy to do better. Thankfully I'll have a chance again in a few weeks. I use the term thankfully loosely though as this workout was much harder than I remembered. Like super hard.
So that makes me an official Crossfit girl (again). As if to ensure my street cred, yesterday's WOD included a ton of ring dips, which left me with 3 large bruises on my arms. And today's included a large number of pull-ups so my hands are ripped up again. Between that and how sore I am, I am feeling beaten, battered, and bruised. Yep, I'm officially a Crossfit Girl.
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