Friday, March 1, 2013

WODing Solo

I was looking for a photo on my computer today when I came across this:

Does anyone remember it? It's the banner I made as motivation for the blog I started the last time I wanted to get into shape. Damn, I was in good shape back when those were taken (ie. 5 years ago)!

Anywho, today my box was closing early because everyone is headed to the Arnold Classic (as in Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic) so I decided I'd WOD on my own at the gym by my office.

I warmed up with some good mornings, air squats, v-ups, and push ups. Then I decided to work on my chest press for the strength part of my workout. Remember a few posts ago when I said I hadn't done a good job of getting a baseline when I started Crossfit? Well it turns out that chest press was the strength workout on my first "real" day of Crossfit, after I completed the 4 basics classes. The format was 3-3-3-3-3-3. Anytime you see the x-x-x, you do x number of reps per set, adding weight between each set. That first time, I started with the lowest weight I could, the 35 lb women's bar and since I was unable to add weight each time, I repeated a few weights. In the end, I did 35-40-40-45-45 and I needed assistance on the last rep of the last set.

So today, when I discovered the lightest bar in my gym was 45 lbs I got worried, but I decided to give it a shot. The bar alone didn't feel all that bad so I lined up some small plates and got to work. When I was done, I had done 45-50-55-60-65-70 and I didn't feel I had maxed out so I asked someone to spot me and added another 5 lbs. I did need an assist on the last 2 reps at 75, but at that point it was all a bonus!

After that, I got down to the WOD. Here's what I did:

AMRoundsAP in 15 min of:
9 deadlifts (90 lbs)
12 hand release push-ups
15 push presses (40 lbs)
18 sit-ups

I managed 4 rounds minus 8 sit-ups (which I finished anyway) and I assure you, I worked just as hard as I would have at my box. (Does anyone else laugh every time I say "my box"? Yes, my sense of humor is sometimes childish). I finished up by working on my kipping pull-ups and then headed home. Tomorrow I plan to check out a new place since my box (heh) is completely closed. It will be interesting to see if the vibe is different!

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done!

    Interested to hear what the vibe is like at the other place...
